Neidio i'r cynnwys

Sgwrs:Yr Undeb Sofietaidd

Ni chefnogir cynnwys y dudalen mewn ieithoedd eraill.
Oddi ar Wicipedia

Oddiwrth en:; I made up the following words, but are there real terms for them already?

  • Decembrist Revolt -> Gwrthryfel Ragfyrwyr
                Dim syniad
  • New Economic Policy (NEP) -> Polisi Economeg Newydd
                 Yn dderbyniol
  • five year plan -> cynllun pump blwydden
                    Cynllun pum mlynedd
  • collective farm -> fferm cyfunol
                    fferm gyfunol / ffermydd cyfunol
  • glasnost -> didwylledd
              Byddwn i'n derbyn glasnost - mae yn air sydd wedi cael ei dderbyn yn rhyngwladol gan gynwys y Saesneg

And what is "the Internationale" yn y Cymraeg??? --okapi 02:33, 10 Meh 2004 (UTC)

"Yr Undeb Rhwyngladol", translated into Welsh by T.E. Nicholas.

stress marks

[golygu cod]

The stress marks in the Russian appeared to be wrong, so I corrected them. But it seems they are the same on the English wikipedia, and somebody there would surely have noticed by now... Is my browser on the blink? Take the word Советских. The stress mark (acute accent) should be on the "е". How does it look on anybody else's browser? Llareggub 22:12, 5 Medi 2005 (UTC)[ateb]

Interesting. I've looked at it in Firefox and MSIE and the stresses do seem to be odd in both browsers. We would have copied the Cyrillic from en: in all probability, which explains the similarity, but why do we have stress marks at all? I've just taken a look at the ru: link and there's certainly none there! -- 22:51, 5 Medi 2005 (UTC) - Oops, this was me, by the way, didn't realise I wasn't logged in. -- Arwel[ateb]
The change by Llaregub is wrong and the earlier version is reverted. Technical details:
  1. In the Unicode standard, all diacritical marks are encoded in sequence after the base characters to which they apply. See section 7.7 (page 186 and following).
  2. There is a bug in the Verdana font. See Verdana needs to be fixed - we don't want a workaround for Verdana which breaks standards-compliant fonts.
Stress marks are not a part of the Russian language as such. They are added in dictionaries and for learners. They would not be expected in ru: but are reasonable in an article aimed at readers with limited knowledge of Russian.


[golygu cod]

Mae'r erthygl hon - ar bwnc mor fawr a phwysig hefyd - yn smonach llwyr. Mae angen trosi'r cyfan i'r Gymraeg neu ei hailysgrifennu'n gyfangwbl (tasg haws efallai, gan fod hanner y brawddegau yn annealladwy bron!). Rhy hwyr yn y noson i gychwyn arni heno, ond roeddwn i'n meddwl basa'n syniad da rhoi'r nodyn yma i mewn er mwyn tynnu sylw ati (esgus i geisio copio allan o'r gwaith hefyd!). Anatiomaros 22:24, 20 Medi 2008 (UTC)[ateb]